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Text File  |  1994-01-31  |  45KB  |  728 lines

  1. 16MEG.ZIP        2632  08-01-93  This Is A Short Information File
  2.                                | Dealing With The Use Of Greater Than
  3.                                | 16 Meg Of Memory With Os/2 
  4. 4OS210.ZIP     296472  06-08-92  4os2 Command Interpreter From Authors
  5.                                | Of 4dos
  6. 7FIX4OS2.ZIP    22571  05-17-93  7th Guest Fix To Make It Work Correctly
  7.                                | Under Os/2 2.1  05-17-93...05-17-93
  8. 9LIVES.ZIP      22909  04-24-93  Give Multiple Desktops In Work Place
  9.                                | Shell
  10. ADDICO10.ZIP     9041  07-11-92  Use Icon With Os/2 Data Files, Not
  11.                                | Default
  12. AFE11.ZIP       19409  09-06-93  Afe.Cmd Version 1.1 - Archive Front
  13.                                | End A Free(!) Os/2 2.X Rexx And V-Rexx
  14.                                | Program Which Provides A Visual Front
  15.                                | End For The Creation, Updating, Unarchiving,
  16.                                | Scanning, Viewing And Printing Of Zip
  17.                                | And Lzh Files 
  18. ALARMPRO.ZIP   340047  05-01-93  Alarm Pro V1.3 Os/2 Alarm / Event
  19.                                | Manager
  20. ALRM201.ZIP    186699  08-15-92  Os/2 Alarm Clock, Tons Of Fantastic
  21.                                | Features
  22. ALRMCK28.ZIP   210120  05-01-93  Alarm Clock Of Os/2, Many Features
  23. AV.ZIP          46948  07-24-92  Presentation Manager Os/2 Archive
  24.                                | Viewer
  25. AV180.ZIP      310182  07-17-93  Archive Viewer V1.80 Pm Shell For
  26.                                | Zip/Zoo/Lzh/Arj/Arc Files.  For Os/2
  27.                                | 
  28. BACK2FT2.ZIP    14228  02-06-93  Rexx, Backup Hpfs Partition To Fat
  29.                                | Partition
  30. BACKINI.ZIP     27627  05-27-92  Backup Data & .ini Files Against
  31.                                | Corruption
  32. BG12.ZIP        28316  08-11-93  Backgammon 1.2, Board Game For Os/2
  33.                                | 2.X Pm 
  34. BIGSRT42.ZIP    37859  06-10-93  Bigsort V4.2: Os/2 Fast In-Memory
  35.                                | Sort For Files Of Any Size; Returns
  36.                                | Error Codes; 06/10/93; Turgut Kalfaoglu.
  37.                                | Last Revision Date In Archive: 06-10-1993
  38.                                | 
  39. BITS.ZIP         0553  01-09-93  Determine If An Os/2 File Is 16
  40.                                | Or 32-Bit
  41. BKVIEW32.ZIP    11735  07-28-93  32 Bit Freeware Pm Program. Gives
  42.                                | Listbox Which Allows You To Choose .inf
  43.                                | Files To View. Requires Os/2 2.X.  07-28-93...07-28-93
  44. BLACKOS2.ZIP    42738  03-09-92  Good Blackjack Card Game For Os/2
  45. BLANKER1.ZIP    23684  08-21-93  Simple Screen Blanker For Os/2 
  46. BMDEMO10.ZIP   205350  09-17-93  Backmaster 1.O  Demo Backup Softwear
  47.                                | For Os/2 2.1 Supports Qic-80 Drives
  48.                                | Including *cms Jumbo 250*  09-15-93...09-17-93
  49. BMOUSE.ZIP      14147  04-06-93  New Mouse.Sys For Os/2 2.1 March
  50.                                | Beta Only 
  51. BMR_110.ZIP     27109  07-14-93  Os/2 Pm Netware Utility That Manages
  52.                                | And Sends "popup" Messages
  53. BOOTDISK.ZIP    11560  05-23-92  6 Cmd Files To Create Os/2 Bootable
  54.                                | Diskette
  55. BRAINTEA.ZIP     6333  05-13-93  Just A Small Pm Game - Brain Teaser,
  56.                                | Os/2 
  57. CALDOS.ZIP      21912  01-14-93  Os/2 Utility To Call Dos
  58. CALEND.ZIP      17955  04-15-92  Calendar Application For Os/2
  59. CDEXPL23.ZIP    35163  08-06-93  Cd Explorer Package  V2.3 For Os/2
  60.                                | V2.1 Reqs Mmpm/2, Cd Rom Support Set
  61.                                | Up, Sound
  62. CDIR2_10.ZIP    64712  05-03-93  Alternate Os/2 Dir With Color Capabilities
  63. CFG2NEW.ZIP     14371  08-19-92  Text Explains Mystery Of Os/2 Config.Sys
  64. CFGED.ZIP      191198  07-19-92  Os/2 Configuration Editor For Easy
  65.                                | Pm Access
  66. CHATR.ZIP       26250  07-07-93  Os/2 Chatterbox V1.0 - Send And
  67.                                | Recieve Messages Over A Lan. Similar
  68.                                | To Pgms That Display And Change Text
  69.                                | On Screen With Data From A File, Instead
  70.                                | Of Loading If From A Text File, It's
  71.                                | Input By Users And Displayed On Everyone's
  72.                                | Screen 
  73. CHKPASSP.ZIP     3836  07-25-93  Adds Password Checking To Callme
  74.                                | V.1.42 For Os/2. Stops Users From Illegally
  75.                                | Logging Into Your System
  76. CLEARCLP.ZIP    54136  07-03-92  Miniapp For Os/2 2.0 - Clear Clipboard
  77. CLICK.ZIP       45061  04-14-92  Os/2 Game Teaches Kids Mouse Techniques
  78. CLIMOR01.ZIP     5671  05-17-93  Os/2 Products With Suggested Retail
  79. CMNCTL.ZIP     118018  08-13-93  Vprexx Pm App For Comm Mgr. (Es1.0&cm/2).
  80.                                | Shows/Act/Deact Links&sessions. Designed
  81.                                | With Visprorexx. Dave Boll's Ydbaacsm.Dll
  82.                                | Incl 
  83. COMPR412.ZIP    74624  07-18-92  C Source Code For Os/2 Compress
  84. CONQUEST.ZIP   106040  05-03-93  Os/2 Space Conquest Game
  85. CPUMONP.ZIP     84821  04-19-93  And Os/2x Cpu Monitor Test Drive
  86.                                | 
  87. CRAPS32.ZIP     71154  04-12-92  Las Vegas Craps Game For Os/2
  88. CSEDB2.ZIP     160624  07-31-93  Cs-Edit/2 Beta Drop #2. The Intelligent
  89.                                | Config.Sys Editor For Os/2 2.X. Never
  90.                                | Boot Tmate412.Zip Telemate Version 4.12
  91.                                | -- Powerful Dos-Based Communications
  92.                                | Program -- Works Fine Windowed  Or Full
  93.                                | Screened 
  94. CSED_10.ZIP     79168  07-09-93  Os/2 System Configuration Utility.
  95.                                | Use It To Configure Your Os/2 Startup
  96.                                | Files 
  97. CVS01.ZIP       27306  04-19-93  Virtual Desktop Utility For Os/2
  98.                                | 2.X 
  99. DBPREPNU.ZIP    29328  03-03-93  The Latest Version Of Ibm's Dual-Boot
  100.                                | Add-On Utility, Dated July 1993 For
  101.                                | The .com File
  102. DCHESS.ZIP      88642  03-17-93  Dungeon Chess For Os/2 2.0 With
  103.                                | Improved
  104. DEBOO100.ZIP    73487  05-28-93  Deboo V1.00 For Os/2 2.X May 1993
  105.                                | Converts Files In "boo" Encoded Format
  106.                                | Back Into Their Original Form. Last
  107.                                | Revision Date In Archive: 05-28-1993
  108.                                | 
  109. DESCRB40.ZIP  1357675  03-23-93  Describe 4.0 Boldgold Demo
  110. DIRSTACK.ZIP    25201  06-11-93  Dirstack01 (incorporating Pushd,
  111.                                | Popd, Initd) Batch File Directory Stack
  112.                                | Commands For Os/2. Last Revision Date
  113.                                | In Archive: 06-11-1993 
  114. DKBPM2.ZIP     408232  08-04-92  Dkb Ray-Tracer Ported To Os/2 Environment
  115. DMINE110.ZIP    94871  05-17-93  Yet Another Version Of Minesweeper
  116.                                | For Os/2 Pm (fw). Last Revision Date
  117.                                | In Archive: 05-17-1993 
  118. DRMAN11D.ZIP   100658  02-06-92  Simple Os/2 File & Directory Manager
  119. DVPEG29.ZIP    167087  07-11-93  Dvpeg V2.9 - Jpeg/Gif Viewers For
  120.                                | Dos And Os2 
  121. E17EL1.ZIP    1173311  07-27-93  Emacs 19.17 Os/2 Elisp Sources 1/2
  122. E17EL2.ZIP     549741  07-24-93  Emacs 19.17 Os/2 Elisp Sources 2/2
  123.                                | (optional)
  124. E17INFO.ZIP    413796  07-18-93  Emacs 19.17 Os/2 Info Files
  125. E17LIB1.ZIP    791297  07-27-93  Emacs 19.17 Os/2 Elisp Compiled
  126.                                | (.Elc) 1/2
  127. E17LIB2.ZIP    310333  07-27-93  Emacs 19.17 Os/2 Elisp Compiled
  128.                                | 2/2 (optional)
  129. E17MAN.ZIP     591979  07-19-93  Emacs 19.17 Os/2 Manual Pages (included
  130.                                | Only For Completeness)
  131. E17MIN.ZIP    1076453  08-04-93  Gnu Emacs 19.17 For Os/2 Minimum
  132.                                | Required Files Archive Includes Directory
  133.                                | Structure Requires Emx 0.8g Get E17note.Zip
  134.                                | For A Description Of Which Archives
  135.                                | To Get
  136. E17MORE.ZIP    289725  07-25-93  Emacs 19.17 Os/2 Extra Files And
  137.                                | Executables
  138. E17NOTE.ZIP      0517  08-09-93  Gnu Emacs 19.17 For Os/2 Readme
  139.                                | File, Describes Which Archives You Need
  140.                                | And/Or Want
  141. E17SRC.ZIP    1180323  07-27-93  Emacs 19.17 For Os/2 Source Files
  142.                                | Completes The Emacs 19.17-Os/2-Emx Package
  143. EABK20.ZIP     117366  07-09-92  Backup/Restore Extended Attributes
  144. ED192.ZIP      109191  07-20-92  Super Programmmers Editor, Up To
  145.                                | 100 Files
  146. ELEP2F.ZIP     156718  03-25-93  Ibm Ews Os/2 Entry Level 3270 Emulation
  147.                                | Pgm 
  148. ELITEIMS.ZIP   190642  06-23-92  State-Of-The-Art Information Service
  149.                                | Software
  150. ELVIS172.ZIP   307845  04-04-93  Port Of Elvis 1.7 (6 Editor Clone)
  151.                                | To Os/2
  152. EPM-SPEL.ZIP   490437  06-01-92  Add Spell Checker To Os/2 Enhanced
  153.                                | Editor
  154. ERROROS2.ZIP     1205  07-18-93  Ascii File Listing Of All Os/2 Commands
  155.                                | With Return Code/Errorlevel Values And
  156.                                | Their Use And Their Associated Meaning
  157. EXIT_VDM.ZIP     2764  06-03-92  Will Exit Any Dos Vdm Including
  158.                                | Images
  159. EZ_SWAP.ZIP    269451  08-14-93  Pm Util To Monitor Swap File Size
  160.                                | - No Cpu Overhead! (rtl Included) 
  161. FAQ21B.ZIP     193095  07-28-93  Timothy Sipples' Frequently-Asked
  162.                                | Questions For Os/2 (july 12/93) 
  163. FAQ21C.ZIP     213809  08-27-93  Recent Frequently Asked Questions
  164.                                | For Os2 2.1
  165. FC.ZIP          43663  06-11-92  File Commander, Similar To Nortons
  166.                                | Utility
  167. FC011.ZIP       59736  04-27-93  Norton Commander Clone For Os/2
  168. FC2_015.ZIP     82777  08-12-93  File Commando/2 0.15. Norton Commander
  169.                                | Clone For Os/2 
  170. FF148.ZIP       20499  04-08-93  Os/2 File Finder
  171. FINDVER.ZIP      2251  07-07-92  Shows Internal Revision Number Of
  172.                                | Os/2
  173. FIT20.ZIP       22443  06-10-93  Fill Floppy Utility For Os/2
  174. FITT101.ZIP     19214  03-23-92  Os/2 Program To Fill Floppy Disks
  175.                                | W/ Best Fit
  176. FLXTXT13.ZIP    62147  01-12-93  Flextext Printing Application For
  177.                                | Os/2
  178. FORWRN10.ZIP    51164  06-11-93  Forewarn Version0 Date Manager For
  179.                                | Os/2. 06-06-93.06-11-93 Last Revision
  180.                                | Date In Archive: 06-11-1993 
  181. FOUR22.ZIP      34328  05-31-93  Connect Four For Os/2 Presentation
  182.                                | Manager
  183. FSHL125.ZIP    115960  04-03-92  Enhances Function Of Os/2 Command
  184.                                | Interpreter
  185. FSTS21.ZIP      35700  07-29-93  Full Screen Task Switcher 2.1, 7-29-93
  186.                                | Task Switcher For Os/2 And Dos Apps
  187.                                | 
  188. GALLER15.ZIP   259867  06-12-93  Galleria 1.5 - Image Utility, Screen
  189.                                | Capture. For Os/2.  Gives More Control
  190.                                | Over Images 
  191. GCCDOC1.ZIP    364834  05-22-92  Gnu Os/2 C++ Fat File System Doc's
  192.                                | [1/2]
  193. GCCDOC2.ZIP    282107  05-22-92  Gnu Os/2 C++ Fat File System Doc's
  194.                                | [2/2]
  195. GCCFAT1.ZIP    449927  06-22-92  Gnu Os/2 C++ Fat File System Compiler
  196.                                | [1/6]
  197. GCCFAT2.ZIP    448811  06-21-92  Gnu Os/2 C++ Fat File System Compiler
  198.                                | [2/6]
  199. GCCFAT3.ZIP    448749  06-21-92  Gnu Os/2 C++ Fat File System Compiler
  200.                                | [3/6]
  201. GCCFAT4.ZIP    448802  06-21-92  Gnu Os/2 C++ Fat File System Compiler
  202.                                | [4/6]
  203. GCCFAT5.ZIP    448144  06-21-92  Gnu Os/2 C++ Fat File System Compiler
  204.                                | [5/6]
  205. GCCFAT6.ZIP    448132  06-21-92  Gnu Os/2 C++ Fat File System Compiler
  206.                                | [6/6]
  207. GFOLDR.ZIP     102405  05-19-93  Organize Icons In Groups In Folders
  208. GLOBEIC2.ZIP    31266  09-03-93  78 Icons For Os/2 Of World Globes
  209.                                | And Maps, Converted From Windows 
  210. GOSERV.ZIP      54292  05-12-93  Ibm Ews A Gopher Server For Os/2
  211.                                | 2.X 
  212. HSTART01.ZIP    21863  07-02-93  Alternative To Os/2 Start Command.
  213.                                | Can Also. Last Revision Date In Archive:
  214.                                | 07-02-1993 
  215. HSWTCH03.ZIP    36372  07-06-93  Switch Sessions In Os/2 From Within
  216.                                | Full Scre. Last Revision Date In Archive:
  217.                                | 07-06-1993 
  218. IBMREBUT.ZIP    14701  09-21-93  Ibm Rebutal To Some Of The False
  219.                                | Claims Microsoft Has Made When Comparing
  220.                                | Ibm Os/2 With Win 3.1 And Win Nt 
  221. ICONE121.ZIP    53493  02-13-93  Version 1.21, Iconese(Icon Librarian
  222.                                | Utility)
  223. ICONTALK.ZIP     5917  01-31-92  Allow Cmd Files To Echo Message
  224.                                | To Titlebar
  225. IGUIDE.ZIP      91326  04-30-92  Information Guide For Os/2, A Must
  226.                                | For All
  227. IMARC101.ZIP   124250  04-15-93  Image Archiver V1.01: Jpeg Conversion/Viewing
  228. IMGARC13.ZIP    88004  04-27-93  Jpeg Conversion/Viewing Utility
  229.                                | W/Interface
  230. INICNV.ZIP      41536  04-06-92  Convert Os/2 V1.2 & V1.3 Ini Files
  231.                                | To V2.0
  232. INIMAINT.ZIP   233958  08-21-92  Gives Abilily To Group Application
  233.                                | Ini Files
  234. INIMT21F.ZIP   338673  08-27-93  Os/2 Os2.Ini Maintenance Utility
  235.                                | Accomodate Os/2v2.1! Pm Based Application.Larryj
  236.                                | Martin
  237. INSP110P.ZIP   348897  05-13-93  Inspecta V1.10. File/Archive/Packet
  238.                                | Manager
  239. ITSNOW11.ZIP    51406  08-04-92  Timeline Program For Presentation
  240.                                | Manager
  241. JMOS2-01.ZIP     8782  07-24-92  Os/2 Tips From Joseph Mckinnon,
  242.                                | Part #1
  243. JMOS2-02.ZIP     7182  08-03-92  Os/2 Tips From Joseph Mckinnon,
  244.                                | Part #2
  245. JMOS2-03.ZIP    91399  08-26-92  Os/2 Tips From Joseph Mckinnon,
  246.                                | Part #3
  247. JMOS2_07.ZIP    46873  02-07-93  Joe's Os/2 Tips #7
  248. JOEVIEW.ZIP    181955  04-23-93  V1.1 Of A Os/2 Gif/Jpeg File Viewer/Utility
  249. JOEVW12.ZIP    212061  07-13-93  Joeview V1.2, A Pm Based Image Viewer,
  250.                                | Handles Many Formats.  For Os/2 
  251. JTP113.ZIP     117968  04-18-93  Junktick For Os/2. A Tick/Raid/Etc
  252.                                | Replacement 
  253. KED205.ZIP      77792  08-21-93  Ked Is A Character Mode Text Editor
  254.                                | For Os/2 V 2.0. It Is A Full 32-Bit
  255.                                | Application, And Features Support For
  256.                                | Hpfs, Macros, Unlimited Number Of Files,
  257.                                | Huge File Sizes, Cut And Paste, And
  258.                                | Shelling To A Command Processor 
  259. KLCPU.ZIP       26258  05-04-93  Os/2: Tells You Your True Cpu Speed
  260. KLOCK20D.ZIP    54849  07-17-92  Os/2 Version Of Clock Scheduler
  261. KWQ12B.ZIP     208396  08-22-93  Kwq Mail/2, Version 1.2b. A 32 Bit
  262.                                | Qwk Mail Reader For Os/2 Pm. Features
  263.                                | Advanced Multithreaded Searching, Taglines,
  264.                                | Many Archivers, Fast Access Toolbar,
  265.                                | Colored "message Syntax" Text, Adobe
  266.                                | Fonts, An Internal Editor, Pm, Os/2,
  267.                                | Dos Or Win3.X External Editors, Bookmarks,
  268.                                | Unlimited Packet
  269. KWQ_B2.ZIP      97710  08-06-92  32-Bit Presentation Manager Qwk
  270.                                | Mail Reader
  271. L2_20.ZIP       37008  01-17-93  V2.0 Of L2; Adds Wildcard Expansion
  272.                                | & More
  273. L40PWR.ZIP      12870  05-19-93  Power Management Drivers For Ibm
  274.                                | L40sx
  275. LBB110.ZIP      95546  05-31-93  Little Black Book Ver 1.10
  276. LBB2_113.ZIP    93878  06-14-93  Os2 New "little Black Book" Address
  277.                                | & Diale 
  278. LH2_222.ZIP    112107  05-04-93  Lharc Verison 2.22
  279. LOOK2_21.ZIP   111325  05-31-93  Look2 V2.1 Contains Bug Fixes For
  280.                                | Os/2 2.1
  281. LPTLED.ZIP      20568  05-16-93  32-Bit Print Job Status Display
  282.                                | For Os/2
  283. LSTPM105.ZIP   106247  02-15-93  Oberon's Pm-Based Files Lister/Browser
  284.                                | 
  285. M10502D.ZIP    187538  04-06-92  Simplex Bbs Netmail Utilities For
  286.                                | Dos
  287. MAG6DEMO.ZIP   914629  06-09-92  Workable Demo Of Great Bbs Software
  288.                                | For Os/2
  289. MAGNUM6.ZIP     20810  06-09-92  Text File Describing Features Of
  290.                                | Magnum Bbs
  291. MAH20E.ZIP     214406  04-25-93  Os/2 Mahjongg Game, Great Graphics
  292. MAKBTDSK.ZIP     7993  05-15-92  Rexx .cmd File To Create Bootable
  293.                                | Floppy Disk
  294. MASTER22.ZIP    31144  06-03-93  Mastermind Board Game For Os/2 Pm.
  295.                                | Last Revision Date In Archive: 06-03-1993
  296.                                | 
  297. MAZELOCK.ZIP    21210  02-03-93  Mazelock: Mouse & Keyboard Lock
  298.                                | For Os/2
  299. MBOOT14.ZIP     70689  05-10-92  Allows Multiple Boot Configurations
  300. MEM201.ZIP      31045  03-17-92  Presentation Manager Memory Status
  301.                                | Utility
  302. MEMO11.ZIP      17433  04-29-93  Remider Utility For Os/2 Program
  303.                                | Manager
  304. MEMSZ210.ZIP   149449  08-30-93  Os/2 System Resources Monitor Provides
  305.                                | Clock, Uptime, Memory Usage, Swap-File
  306.                                | Size, Cpu Load, #tasks And Disk Usage
  307.                                | 
  308. MENUMAST.ZIP   239569  07-25-93  Text Mode Menuing System: Evaluation
  309.                                | Version. For Os/2. Allows Someone To
  310.                                | Tap The Power Of Os/2 Without Having
  311.                                | To Have Access To The Full Desktop 
  312. MINE213.ZIP    142041  07-28-93  Multimedia Minesweeper (like Windows
  313.                                | Game) W/Digitized Sound Uses Mmpm Os/2
  314.                                | 
  315. MITSU21.ZIP      1668  06-16-93  Using Mitsumi Cd-Rom With Os/2 V
  316.                                | 2.1. Last Revision Date In Archive:
  317.                                | 06-16-1993 
  318. MJS-10.ZIP      74011  03-27-92  Fun Mahjonng Tile Game For Os/2
  319. MKLAPI10.ZIP    98257  05-04-93  Marklin Digital Driver Api Samples
  320.                                | For Os/2
  321. MM0893.ZIP     155510  08-09-93  Mid-Missouri Os/2 Users Group Aug/93
  322.                                | Newsletter. Good Os/2 Sftwr Review Series
  323.                                | 
  324. MNICON.ZIP      17540  02-21-93  Improvement For Default Wpicon (os/2)
  325. MONTE.ZIP       19107  03-05-93  Pm Multithreading Example
  326. MOUSECHG.ZIP     3169  08-15-93  Mousechg.Cmd Is A Simple Rexx Exec
  327.                                | To Change Your Default Mouse Pointer
  328.                                | Under Os/2 2.1. It Does This By Modifying
  329.                                | Your Os2.Ini File To Include A New "application"
  330.                                | Called "pm_syspointer" 
  331. MPEGPLAY.ZIP    97028  02-02-93  Mpeg Player For Os/2 - Runs In Full-Screen
  332. MR2_152.ZIP    196079  07-11-93  Mr/2 A Qwk Compatible Mail Reader
  333.                                | For Os/2. Menu/Picklist Driven, Mouse
  334.                                | Support, Thread Summary Pick-Lists,
  335.                                | Multithreaded Searching, User-Defined
  336.                                | Custom Conferences, Optional Internal
  337.                                | Editor. Mostly Slmr/Olx Compatible Keystrokes.
  338.                                | 04-08-92.07-11-93 Last
  339. MRPM_098.ZIP   100900  03-07-93  Qwk Mail Reader For Os/2 Pm
  340. MRP_099C.ZIP   147355  07-26-93  Mr/2 Pm - A Qwk Compatible Mail
  341.                                | Reader For Os/2. This Is The Pm Version
  342.                                | Of Popular Os/2 Text-Mode Qwk Reader,
  343.                                | Mr/2. Thread Summary Pick-Lists, Multithreaded
  344.                                | Searching, User-Defined Custom Conferences
  345.                                | 
  346. MSQ21AP.ZIP    152571  07-12-92  Msged/Sq For Os/2, Maximus Compatible
  347.                                | Editor
  348. MV2OS2.ZIP     137317  04-08-93  Pas-16 Drivers For Os/2 2.1 03/93beta
  349.                                | 
  350. NEMO01.ZIP      74188  06-15-93  Captain Nemo Is A Text-Mode Shell
  351.                                | Program For Os/2. It Tries To Imitate
  352.                                | The Norton Commander (r) For Dos V.2
  353.                                | As Closely As Possible And Yet Realize
  354.                                | A Smooth Integration With Os/2 Features.
  355.                                | This V0.1 Is The First Release. Last
  356.                                | Revision Date In Archive: 06-15-1993
  357.                                | 
  358. NGVIEW.ZIP      44727  07-30-93  Allows You To View Norton Guides
  359.                                | And Expert Help Files Under Os/2 
  360. NIKON2.ZIP      67276  04-19-92  Screen Capture Utility
  361. O2FORMAT.ZIP    19241  06-30-93  The Quick Format Utility That Ibm
  362.                                | Left Out Of Os/2 (with C Source Code).
  363.                                | Fast, Doesn't Save Unformat Information.
  364.                                | Last Revision Date In Archive: 06-30-1993
  365.                                | 
  366. OCLN105.ZIP    272520  06-17-93  Mcafee Virus Clean-Up For Os/2 V105
  367. OMF.ZIP         79792  04-26-93  Documentation For The Os/2 2.X Object
  368.                                | Module
  369. OMGR_21.ZIP     15832  07-31-93  Omgr/2  Outbound Manager V1.1. 
  370.                                | Small Pm Program That Will Help Manage
  371.                                | Outbound Dirs 
  372. OMGR_2V2.ZIP    22626  08-09-93  Pm Outbound Dir Mgr. Written In
  373.                                | Rexx, Helps You Manage Your Outbound
  374.                                | Directories/Files 
  375. OS2105.ZIP       8933  07-22-92  105 Things Os/2 Can Do That Windows
  376.                                | Can't!
  377. OS21PERF.ZIP    17768  07-18-93  Os/2 2.1 Performance Improvements
  378.                                | List . Use Os/2 View Facility To Display
  379.                                | This Guide 
  380. OS221DMO.ZIP  1354673  03-24-93  Demo Of Os/2 2.1 From Ibm (disk
  381.                                | Image). Last Revision Date In Archive:
  382.                                | 03-24-1993 
  383. OS2AMI.ZIP       4948  03-06-92  Guide For Using Ami Bios With Os/2
  384.                                | 2.0
  385. OS2APAR1.ZIP   999516  04-01-93  Cmd File That Allows U 2 Look At
  386.                                | Ver 2 Apar's 
  387. OS2APAR2.ZIP  1048650  04-01-93  Number 2 Of 6 
  388. OS2APAR3.ZIP  1121091  04-01-93  Number 3 Of 6
  389. OS2APAR4.ZIP   693714  03-22-93  Number 4 Of 6 
  390. OS2APAR5.ZIP  1047379  04-01-93  Number 5 Of 6
  391. OS2APAR6.ZIP   183997  04-01-93  Number 6 Of 6 
  392. OS2COP20.ZIP    64343  04-28-93  Copy An Individually Configured
  393.                                | Os/2 2.0 
  394. OS2DCTRL.ZIP    35423  02-02-93  Demonstrates Creating An Os/2 Custom
  395.                                | Control
  396. OS2DEMO.ZIP 1 ,392026  05-26-92  Os/2 2.0 Demo, Requires Vga/512k/386+
  397. OS2DVOR.ZIP      7326  06-28-92  Dvorak Keyboard Driver For Os/2
  398. OS2EXEC.ZIP     20401  01-05-93  Starts A Os/2 Program Out Of The
  399.                                | Dos Window 
  400. OS2FACTS.ZIP    72354  06-14-93  Informative Text File About Os/2
  401.                                | 2.1. Last Revision Date In Archive:
  402.                                | 06-14-1993 
  403. OS2FAQI.ZIP    100284  04-03-93  Tim Sipples Faq In Os/2 Viewable
  404.                                | Inf Format
  405. OS2FAQ_J.ZIP    39353  02-16-93  Os/2 2.O Faq Rel. J. 2/6/93 On The
  406.                                | Internet 
  407. OS2FOTO.ZIP     56250  06-19-93  Intelligent Backup And Restore For
  408.                                | Os/2 2.Xx And Is Used From Dos, And
  409.                                | Is The Only Safe Way To Save Os/2 And
  410.                                | Restore If It Crashes, As Can Happen.
  411.                                | Last Revision Date In Archive: 06-19-1993
  412.                                | 
  413. OS2GUIDE.ZIP     9689  04-21-92  Guide For Os/2 Install For Dos/Windows
  414.                                | Users
  415. OS2ICON6.ZIP   116244  03-20-93  Quality Icons To Dress Up Your System
  416. OS2KILL.ZIP     12872  07-08-92  Deletes Os/2 & Non-Dos Hidden Files
  417.                                | From Root
  418. OS2MITUM.ZIP     1594  07-13-93  Information On How To Get Os/2 Drivers
  419.                                | For The Mitsumi Series Of Cdom Drives.
  420.                                | If You Have Os/2 And Want To Use A Mitsumi
  421.                                | Drive You Must Get This. Dl'd From Ibm's
  422.                                | Nsc Bbs. Ul'd By Chad Smith. Last Revision
  423.                                | Date In Archive: 07-13-1993 
  424. OS2NT.ZIP        6316  07-18-93  How To Install Os/2 With Windows
  425.                                | Nt And Dos On The Same Machine 
  426. OS2SETNG.ZIP     9551  03-30-92  Os/2 Dos Settings For Many Programs
  427. OS2SPEED.ZIP     4832  08-04-92  Makes Desqview Aware Programs Os/2
  428.                                | Aware
  429. OS2TET.ZIP      25755  04-02-93  The Tetris Game For Os/2
  430. OS2TNT18.ZIP    31074  05-22-92  Os/2 Tips & Techniques From Ibm
  431.                                | Tech Support
  432. OS2YOU27.ZIP   312078  05-21-92  Os/2 Remote Access Software
  433. OS2_COM.ZIP     65303  07-05-93  Information On Com Ports Under Os/2.
  434.                                | Hints, Tips, Supported Configurations.
  435.                                | Last Revision Date In Archive: 07-05-1993
  436.                                | 
  437. OS2_HPFS.ZIP    15201  02-16-93  More Information On Hpfs File System
  438. OS2_MOU.ZIP     70309  07-05-93  Information On Various Mouse And
  439.                                | Pointer Devices Under Os/2. Tips And
  440.                                | Supported Configurations. Last Revision
  441.                                | Date In Archive: 07-05-1993 
  442. OSCPY250.ZIP    50718  06-22-93  Os/2 Disk Image Making Program.
  443.                                | Uses Threads To Do Compression While
  444.                                | Running. Last Revision Date In Archive:
  445.                                | 06-22-1993 
  446. PC2_140.ZIP    209720  04-18-93  Pc/2 - Program Commander/2 V1.40
  447.                                | For Os/2 2.x
  448. PEGGED11.ZIP    27983  07-04-93  Pegged 1.1, Board Game Of Logic
  449.                                | For Os/2 2.X Pm. (
  450. PKZ101_2.ZIP   224717  07-04-93  Pkzip And Pkunzip For Os/2. Used
  451.                                | On The Ibm Canada Bbs Systems. Last
  452.                                | Revision Date In Archive: 07-04-1993
  453.                                | 
  454. PLOTQP.ZIP      58329  03-24-93  Os/2 V2 Pm Plot Queue Processor.
  455.                                | V13.345 
  456. PM2YOU11.ZIP   646723  03-29-93  Complete Os/2 Comm App With Remote
  457.                                | Capability
  458. PMBBS11.ZIP     10485  08-23-93  Pm Front End For A Bbs-List Database
  459.                                | 
  460. PMBINGO.ZIP     56116  04-07-93  32-Bit Os/2 Pm Games: Many Types
  461.                                | Of Bingo
  462. PMBNG101.ZIP    61006  07-01-93  Os/2 Pm Bingo Version 1.01 - Latest
  463.                                | Version Of Excellent Bingo Game For
  464.                                | Os/2 V2.X. Now With More Types Of Games
  465.                                | And You Can Play Up To 6 Bingo Cards
  466.                                | At The Same Time. Written By: I. Martinez.
  467.                                | Last Revision Date In Archive: 07-01-1993
  468.                                | 
  469. PMBOTS11.ZIP    29058  07-30-93  The Classic Unix Robots Game For
  470.                                | Os/2 Pm 
  471. PMCAMERA.ZIP    69307  06-07-92  Screen Grabber For Presentation
  472.                                | Manager
  473. PMCOM109.ZIP   445190  05-21-92  Communications Program, Drag & Drop
  474.                                | Uploads
  475. PMDCOPY.ZIP     42227  06-03-93  Pm Based Disk Copier. Os/2. Last
  476.                                | Revision Date In Archive: 06-03-1993
  477.                                | 
  478. PMDSK.ZIP       87901  02-23-93  Pm Diskcopy 2.0 For Os/2 2.0
  479. PMDSKENG.ZIP   103454  01-09-93  32-Bit Os/2 Pm Diskette Duplicator
  480. PMF300.ZIP      70032  02-16-93  Pm Floppy - Floppy Disk Utility
  481.                                | V3.00 - 32
  482. PMFRACT2.ZIP   538923  07-03-92  32-Bit Fractint Fractal Generator,
  483.                                | Os/2 2.0
  484. PMFREE.ZIP      30359  06-03-92  Presentation Manager Free Resources
  485.                                | Info
  486. PMJPEG14.ZIP   210053  08-17-93  Pmjpeg V.1.4 - Shareware Jpeg/Tiff/Gif/Targa/
  487.                                | Pcx/Bmp Viewer/Converter For Os/2 2.X.
  488.                                |  Added Support For 16 Color Mode, Printing,
  489.                                | Gamma Correction, Etc 
  490. PMKRON.ZIP     195659  05-27-93  Pm Chronometer Is A Sort Of Astrological
  491.                                | Clock. It Calculates A Horoscope Every
  492.                                | Four Seconds And Redraws The Horoscope
  493.                                | Wheel Graph Every Two Minutes. Runs
  494.                                | Under Os/2 2.0 And Up, Pm. Last Revision
  495.                                | Date In Archive: 05-27-1993 
  496. PMMEM.ZIP       22699  06-04-92  Graphical Presentation Of Memory
  497.                                | Resources
  498. PMMIX20.ZIP     10104  07-18-93  Pmmixer V2.0 Mixer Tool For The
  499.                                | Soundblaster Under Os/2 2.1 Mmpm/2
  500. PMQWK008.ZIP   225305  04-22-93  32-Bit Os/2 Offline Qwk Message
  501.                                | Reader
  502. PMROBOTS.ZIP    27400  07-25-93  A Version Of The Classic Un*X Game
  503.                                | "robots" For The Os/2 Presentation Manager.
  504.                                | Smiley Is Chased, And You Need To Help
  505.                                | Him Avoid The Killer Robots 
  506. PMSCB11.ZIP     85026  01-18-93  Update To Pm Scrapbook
  507. PMSW2.ZIP       52892  04-20-93  Os/2 Rexx Pm To Switch List Task
  508.                                | By Name
  509. PMTETRIS.ZIP    25674  04-02-93  Tetris For Os/2 (pm Application)
  510. PMVD021.ZIP     35574  06-21-93  Pm Virtual Desktop For Os/2x Workplace
  511.                                | Shell Creates "buttons" For Moving About
  512.                                | 
  513. PMVIEW5C.ZIP   124592  04-23-92  Os/2 Presentation Manager File Browser
  514. PMVIEW85.ZIP    93963  05-06-93  Gif/Bmp/Jpeg Viewer For Os/2 Pm
  515.                                | (slideshows)
  516. PMVU85A.ZIP    139551  06-21-93  A Fast Gif/Bmp/Jpeg/Pcx/Targa Viewer
  517.                                | For Os/2 Pm. This Version Has A Fix
  518.                                | So That It Will No Longer Trigger A
  519.                                | Bug In The March Os/2 2.1 Beta. It Also
  520.                                | Adds Scaling And Zooming, Clipboard
  521.                                | Support, And Other New Features 
  522. PMZIP100.ZIP    91914  07-03-92  Zip Compressed File Manager, Extensive
  523.                                | Help
  524. PP001.ZIP       33132  04-22-93  Power Pascal - Version 0.001
  525. PRIVF.ZIP       53428  02-01-93  Private Folder.  Locks Folders On
  526.                                | Wps
  527. PROCALC.ZIP     45306  04-15-92  Pm Professional Calculator
  528. PROCS21.ZIP     27304  07-06-92  32-Bit App That Lists All Processes
  529.                                | In Os/2
  530. PRXUTILS.ZIP    99917  06-28-92  Rexx Utility Library, Replaces Pedagogics
  531. PS2AV752.ZIP  1098976  07-30-93  Ibm Ps Assistant  Online Help Tool
  532.                                |      [2/2]
  533. PSP2CUST.ZIP    16296  07-29-93  Ibm's Response To Microsoft's Position
  534.                                | Paper(S) On Os/2. Interesting!
  535. PUSHD20.ZIP      4742  06-01-93  Unix Clone Os/2 Rexx Program
  536. QWIK32.ZIP      77716  05-24-93  Qwikswitch 32 Bit For Os/2 2.X (2.01).
  537.                                | Hotkeyswitch Between Sessions. Several
  538.                                | Enhancements. A.O. Switch From Dos And
  539.                                | To/From Seamless Win. Evaluation Version:
  540.                                | Does Not Save Settings. (Fw) 
  541. REMIN301.ZIP   329729  01-16-93  Remind - Sophisticated Reminder
  542.                                | Service
  543. REXXTACY.ZIP   221177  06-09-92  Convert Rexx Files To C Source
  544. REXXUTIL.ZIP    27687  07-11-93  Rexxutil Information And Samples
  545.                                | Rexxutil How To Info On Shadows, Folders,
  546.                                | Ini Compiled By Mike Lamb From Ibm Kingston.
  547.                                | For Os/2x. 07-11-93 Last Revision Date
  548.                                | In Archive: 07-11-1993 
  549. RODNT100.ZIP    62751  07-13-93  Rodent V1.00. Improved Mouse Driver
  550.                                | For Os/2 Supports Most Mice, 3 Button
  551.                                | Support,
  552. ROLLBALL.ZIP   156263  08-01-92  Os/2 Game, Deflect Ball Without
  553.                                | Losing It
  554. ROLODOS2.ZIP   278640  08-10-93  Rolodex/2. A Well Done Rolodex Style
  555.                                | Filing System For Os/2 2.X. Store Addresses,
  556.                                | Phone Numbers, Contact Names Etc. Very
  557.                                | Simple To Use, Version 1.0 
  558. ROW2R01.ZIP     12551  06-27-93  Row 2.X: Set Dos Screen & Os/2 Session
  559.                                | Rows. Prevent Those Weary Eyes! Stop
  560.                                | Config.Sys Messages From Scrolling Off
  561.                                | Of The Screen! Confuse Nosey Network
  562.                                | Snoopers And Viewers! Row.Exe Is Loadable
  563.                                | By Dos & Os/2 In Config Or From A Os
  564.                                | Prompt To Set Dos To Display From 12.50
  565.                                | Rows And Os/2 From 1.255 Rows. Release
  566.                                | 01: Row/D 2.10; Row/2 2.01. 80x86, Dos
  567.                                | 2 , Os/2 1.2 , Os/2 2 Dos Box, Isa/Eisa,
  568.                                | Ega Adapter Required For Dos. Last Revision
  569.                                | Date In Archive: 06-27-1993 
  570. RWM212.ZIP     622980  08-03-93  Relish Working Model Version 2.12!
  571.                                | Relish Is The Premier Time Organizer
  572.                                | For Os/2, Including Easy To Use Drag-
  573.                                | And-Drop Interface. This Version Includes
  574.                                | A Special Limited Time Offer Exclusive
  575.                                | To Bbs Users 
  576. RXD.ZIP        148243  02-02-93  Ibm Ews. A Pm Source Level Debugger
  577.                                | For Rexx 
  578. RXU11.ZIP      119083  06-21-93  Rexx Util Package V1 Mixed Bag Of
  579.                                | Rexx External Functions Including Upm,
  580.                                | Os/2 2.0 Memory Management, Os/2 2.0
  581.                                | Semaphores, Rexx Pgming Functions Rexx
  582.                                | Macrospace Interface, Task/Thread Management,
  583.                                | Multithreaded Rexx Programming, More.
  584.                                | 04-08-93.06-21-93
  585. S105022.ZIP    706522  04-06-92  Simplex Bbs For Os/2 - Executables
  586. S10502D.ZIP    725248  04-06-92  Simplex Bbs - Dos Executables
  587. S10502DX.ZIP    89221  04-06-92  Simplex Bbs - Documentation
  588. SALOMO.ZIP       9406  05-17-93  Os2 Memory Suballocation Routines
  589. SAVEFLDR.ZIP   100484  03-24-93  Backup And Restore Desktop's Folders
  590.                                | In Os/2
  591. SAVEINI.ZIP      4269  08-01-93  A Rexx Program For Os/2 Ver 2.1
  592.                                | To Archive The 5 Major Os/2 Configuration
  593.                                | Files 
  594. SAVE_ME2.ZIP     2177  07-11-93  Save Me.Cmd And Savn Zip.Cmd Rexx
  595.                                | Programs To Save Os/2 2.X Critical System
  596.                                | Files. Config.Sys, Autoexec.Bat, Os2.Ini,
  597.                                | And Os2sys.Ini. Last Revision Date In
  598.                                | Archive: 07-11-1993 
  599. SBPMIX.ZIP      26113  01-17-93  A Pm Based Sound Mixer For Soundblaster
  600.                                | Os/2
  601. SCORCARD.ZIP    18042  05-30-93  Track Your Golf Scores Using Os/2
  602. SCRUTL18.ZIP    28643  03-22-92  Screen Utility And Screen Blanker
  603. SD9304.ZIP     184762  06-22-93  San Diego Os/2 User Group Newsletter,
  604.                                | April Inf Version. Includes: An Elegant
  605.                                | Operating System By W. Postma; Os/2
  606.                                | Tips And Hints;
  607. SDE_300.ZIP    140485  02-11-93  Sde V3.0 Os/2 Dir/File Mgr & Program
  608.                                | Launcher
  609. SDOWNCLI.ZIP    15152  04-13-92  Utility To Shutdown Os/2 From Command
  610.                                | Line
  611. SEARCHOS.ZIP     1380  06-03-93  Rexx Script. Find Text In Ascii-Files
  612.                                | 
  613. SETPRI.ZIP      12092  06-29-92  Utility To Set Priority Of Programs
  614. SHTDOWNB.ZIP    24643  07-02-92  Os/2 System Shutdown Miniapp
  615. SHWDLL.ZIP      32330  06-06-92  Lists Dll's Called From Os/2 Exe
  616.                                | Or Dll File
  617. SHWINI.ZIP      81281  06-06-92  Interactively View, Print, Copy,
  618.                                | Delete Ini
  619. SI.ZIP          17628  08-28-92  Shows Basic Os/2 System Information
  620. SIO065F.ZIP     25124  04-27-93  Ray Gwinn's Ever Popular Sio/Vsio/Vx00
  621. SIO100.ZIP      44290  05-14-93  Ray Guinn's Comm Drivers For Os/2
  622.                                | 2.X 
  623. SLEEP101.ZIP    12124  04-19-93  Os/2 Program That Sleeps Until Wakeup
  624.                                | Time
  625. SOFTOS2.ZIP   1472432  09-20-93  Softerm Communications Program Of
  626.                                | Os/2. Full Featured Version (including
  627.                                | Z-Modem). Shareware.  For Os/2 2.X.
  628.                                |  New!
  629. SORT32OS.ZIP    38812  09-10-93  Sort32 Fast Os/2 2.1 Virtual Sort.
  630.                                | Sorts Up To 16 Fields. Can Drop Duplicate
  631.                                | Sort Fields And Short Records. Freeware
  632.                                | By Larrygriffiths
  633. SOSUTL11.ZIP    44444  08-21-93  Dir Tree Drawer W/Src (bc) + Several
  634.                                | Rexx Utils. Includes: Extract (rexx
  635.                                | Script) Archive File Extractor; Ps Simplifies
  636.                                | Pstat Display; Chname (rexx Script)
  637.                                | Changes Hpfs Names To Fat Format And
  638.                                | Vice Versa, For Os/2 
  639. SOX7P9.ZIP      86030  04-20-93  Sound File Conversion Utility For
  640.                                | Os/2
  641. SQLEDIT.ZIP    253482  05-16-93  Os2: Edit Standalone Database Records
  642. STARTD.ZIP      34365  07-10-92  Start Dos Sessions Using Different
  643.                                | Settings
  644. STARTD22.ZIP    10135  06-05-93  Update To Startd - Program To Start
  645.                                | A Synchr. Or Async. Dos Or Os/2 Session
  646.                                | Dos Sessions Can Have Custom Settings.
  647.                                | This Resolves Some Problems With Os/2
  648.                                | 2.1 And Increases The Size Of The Dos
  649.                                | Settings To 4k. Last Revision Date In
  650.                                | Archive: 06-05-1993 
  651. SYSCOLS2.ZIP    70777  07-18-92  Utility To Change Colors Of Os/2
  652.                                | Pm
  653. TAPESW.ZIP       1073  07-18-93  List Of Os/2 Compatible Tape Backup
  654.                                | Software 
  655. TE265OS2.ZIP    93767  03-27-93  Fast General-Purpose Source Code
  656.                                | Editor
  657. TE2DSORT.ZIP    26217  07-26-92  Te/2 Dialing Directory Sort Program
  658. TE2_124.ZIP    513130  08-05-93  Terminal Emulator/2 For Os/2 2.X
  659.                                | Improves Windowed Screen Display Speed
  660.                                | Over V1.23 Includes A 200 Entry Dialing
  661.                                | Directory, Programmable Function Keys,
  662.                                | Scrollback Buffer Six Protocols (including
  663.                                | Zmodem) And More 
  664. TEDP090.ZIP     15386  05-16-92  Ted Text Editor Ported To Os/2
  665. TEDS11.ZIP     109615  07-14-92  Taylor Editor, Clone Of Dos 5.0
  666.                                | Edit
  667. TERM2_22.ZIP   159982  03-29-93  Os/2 Pm Terminal Program With X/Y/Zmodem
  668.                                | 
  669. THETOOL5.ZIP   329535  08-10-92  Integrated File Editor, Supports
  670.                                | Hpfs
  671. TIMEDATE.ZIP    13390  02-17-93  32bit Clock For The Wps V1.0
  672. TIMESET.ZIP      5730  08-09-92  Rexx Cmd To Call Us Naval Obsv.
  673.                                | For Time
  674. TIMUP13.ZIP     58416  07-07-93  Os/2 Time Up (sds: Os/2). Displays
  675.                                | The Amount Of Time Since Os/2 Was Booted
  676.                                | In The Smallest Possible Window 
  677. TL2.ZIP          6610  05-04-92  Tasklist, Use From Prompt Or Icon
  678. TRSH12.ZIP      50389  05-16-93  Trashman 1.2: Os/2 Pm Game
  679. TRSHMN11.ZIP    59869  08-05-92  Ecological Trashman Game For Os/2
  680. UNITNB.ZIP      36040  02-27-93  Os/2 2.X Units Of Measurement Convertor
  681. UNZ501.ZIP     114532  07-18-93  32-Bit Unzip For Os/2 V2.X (freeware)
  682.                                | From Project Info-Zip. Handles Long
  683.                                | Filenames
  684. VARC10B3.ZIP    10077  01-07-93  Archive Utility Front-End, Requires
  685.                                | Vrexx. For Os/2 
  686. VCD10.ZIP       41281  07-01-92  Enhanced Change Directory For Os/2
  687.                                | & Dos
  688. VEMS27.ZIP      35904  06-29-93  Os/2 Memory And Disk Drive Display
  689.                                | V2.7. Displays Current Free Memory,
  690.                                | Swap File Size And Swap Drive Info 
  691. VFITS012.ZIP   130300  06-19-93  Fits Format Image Viewer For Astronomy
  692. VIEW3D.ZIP     211475  06-08-93  3d Data Viewer For Os/2. V1.0
  693. VMEM.ZIP        20329  03-01-93  Check Available Os2 Virtual Memory
  694. VPRDEMO.ZIP    119357  04-22-93  Vispro/Rexx By Hockware - Self-Running
  695. VUNDEL2.ZIP     48309  06-28-93  Visual Undelete Utility For Os/2
  696.                                | 2.X Find Deleted Files Fast And Restore
  697.                                | Them Quickly Too!. Last Revision Date
  698.                                | In Archive: 06-28-1993 
  699. WAVOUT.ZIP      15809  04-30-93  Os/2 Wave Output Controller
  700. WBK20.ZIP       27263  03-03-93  Moves Window Under Mouse To Background
  701.                                | Os2
  702. WELCOS2.ZIP     11850  05-06-93  Restore Welcome Folder In Os/2 Systems
  703. WHICH100.ZIP    25580  03-12-93  Os/2: Checks List Of Commands For
  704.                                | Argument Com
  705. WIPEOUT.ZIP    388496  05-04-93  This Is A Cool Screen Saver For
  706.                                | Os/2 
  707. WOR.ZIP         50673  03-30-93  The Arcade Game Wizard Of Wor For
  708.                                | Os2
  709. WPSBK201.ZIP    48782  09-07-93  Workplace Shell Backup V.2.01 -
  710.                                | Os/2 2.1 Wps Backup Utility Supports
  711.                                | S3_256 Release Drivers
  712. WPSTOOLS.ZIP    60586  03-14-92  Workplace Shell Tools For Object
  713.                                | Creation
  714. WPS_IC.ZIP      67438  02-13-93  Icons For Os/2
  715. WPTOOL09.ZIP   166720  05-12-93  The Wps Utilities 
  716. WR06004.ZIP    111558  03-05-93  Os/2 Extended Services 1.0 Database
  717.                                | Manager
  718. WRITEB.ZIP      42537  05-17-93  Os/2 Form Letter - New Addresses,
  719.                                | Letters +
  720. XFEEL11B.ZIP     7718  02-16-93  Os/2: Activate Window Just By Moving
  721.                                | Mouse
  722. XMAPS1.ZIP      51936  05-25-93  Os/2 Very Nice 256 Color Bitmaps
  723.                                | For Os/2 
  724. ZAPPEDII.ZIP    48163  06-03-92  Game, Try To Save Palm Trees From
  725.                                | Lightning
  726. ZIP19X32.ZIP   192010  08-21-92  Compression Utility Compatible With
  727.                                | Pkzip 1.93